Teaching Resources
Recommended Resources
The sources listed below provide interdisciplinary instructional materials for the topics of climate change, sustainability and environmental justice.
Since the 2017 publication of the New York Times bestseller Drawdown, the nonprofit organization “Project Drawdown” has emerged as a leading resource for information and insight about climate solutions offered by an international coalition of leading researchers, scientists and policymakers. The Drawdown Learn™ initiative offers a six-part educational video series focused on solutions. It also includes leads to other resources that encourage education and learning about climate solutions based on Project Drawdown’s research, analysis, and insights.
The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) has created a course materials library that showcases assignments, exercises, presentations, syllabi and other learning materials related to sustainability. SU is a member of AASHE. All SU faculty, staff and students can sign up with their fjzhusuji.com email to access the AASHE resources. Contact CEJS at cejs@fjzhusuji.com if you have difficulty logging in.
The University of Michigan’s Center for Sustainable Systems has developed since 2001 a growing set of factsheets that cover topics including energy, water, food, waste, buildings, materials, and transportation systems. Each factsheet presents important patterns of use, life cycle impacts and sustainable solutions. They are designed to inform policymakers, business professionals, students and teachers. The factsheets are peer-reviewed and updated annually. The 2021 edition contains more than 2,226 facts and 135 graphics compiled from 995 sources.
These collections of solutions journalism stories were specially curated for educators or community leaders to use within groups of students, citizens and changemakers. Each collection includes five or more stories, a description, discussion questions and notes. Topics include the UN Sustainable Development Goals; building racial equity; Project Drawdown's 100 Solutions to Reverse Global Warming; pandemic responses and more.
Bard College’s Center for Environmental Policy has created teacher guides to integrate climate change, climate solutions and climate justice into YOUR course. Teaching Film? Music? Art? English? Business? Theater? Spanish? Sociology? Find your teacher guide and Make Climate a Class.
En-Roads is a free simulation model from Climate Interactive made for exploring how to address global climate challenges through large-scale policy, technological and societal shifts. You can create scenarios that focus on how changes in taxes, subsidies, economic growth, energy efficiency, technological innovation, agriculture, population, carbon pricing, fuel mix, etc. will change global carbon emissions and temperature. It is designed to be used interactively with groups where it can be the basis for conversations around addressing climate change and how to limit future global warming following the Paris Agreement. There are also pre-made class activities and facilitator guides available.
This portal from the Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College is a collection of resources under categories such as improving teaching & learning, sustainable institutional change, how to broaden STEM participation, and more. These resources are aimed at higher ed faculty, program leads, department chairs, and learning centers.